
"2001: A Space Odyssey" is the greatest movie ever put down on film by the greatest filmmaker to ever walk the face of the earth, Stanley Kubrick.
The dumbed-down masses of American cattle have the attetion span equal to that of a fly while not having a capacity or want to explore more profound thoughts on life, preferring Big Mac's and meatball wedges while viewing such classic films such as "MIB II" or "Bad Boyz".
Kubrick's vision of interpreting Nietzsche's evolutionary theories through interpretations of Richard Strauss' musical interpretations of Nietzsche's works is the most mind-blowing masterpiece of performance art ever made.
Contrary to some other reviewers, Kubrick makes no attempt to "tell" you what to think about whatever message emanates from this film. It's up to you, but there's a lot of meat on the bone for chewing up your mind for days and weeks after viewing this most extraordinary masterpiece.
It's aged beautifully since 1968 and makes Star Wars look like a has-been."2001: A Space Odyssey" is Kubrick's ultimate and timeless masterpiece. I only wish that the DVD would have had extra features about the film....
"2001: A Space Odyssey" is the greatest movie ever put down on film by the greatest filmmaker to ever walk the face of the earth, Stanley Kubrick.
The dumbed-down masses of American cattle have the attetion span equal to that of a fly while not having a capacity or want to explore more profound thoughts on life, preferring Big Mac's and meatball wedges while viewing such classic films such as "MIB II" or "Bad Boyz".
Kubrick's vision of interpreting Nietzsche's evolutionary theories through interpretations of Richard Strauss' musical interpretations of Nietzsche's works is the most mind-blowing masterpiece of performance art ever made.
Contrary to some other reviewers, Kubrick makes no attempt to "tell" you what to think about whatever message emanates from this film. It's up to you, but there's a lot of meat on the bone for chewing up your mind for days and weeks after viewing this most extraordinary masterpiece.
It's aged beautifully since 1968 and makes Star Wars look like a has-been."2001: A Space Odyssey" is Kubrick's ultimate and timeless masterpiece. I only wish that the DVD would have had extra features about the film.... More • http://www.amazon.co ... ance&s=dvd View • BooksImagesVideosSearch Related • KubrickSFFilms

    Stanley Kubrick, Director
  Stanley Kubrick, Director
Stanley Kubrick was an American film director, screenwriter, and producer. He is frequently cited as one of the greatest and most influential directors in cinematic history. His films, which are mostly adaptations of novels or short stories, cover a...
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