
Nick Park, the creator of the animated team of Wallace & Gromit, is a genius. His painstaking art in the form of Plasitcine claymation is a unique process involving literally thousands of hours (it takes roughly an 8 hour work day to contribute 3 minutes of action to a film; this foray into feature length storytelling took 5 years!) in making his lovable master & loyal dog team take form is finally on the big screen in the duo's first full-length motion picture and it's cracklin' good (to coin a phrase from Wallace's usual reply to all things good!)...
Nick Park, the creator of the animated team of Wallace & Gromit, is a genius. His painstaking art in the form of Plasitcine claymation is a unique process involving literally thousands of hours (it takes roughly an 8 hour work day to contribute 3 minutes of action to a film; this foray into feature length storytelling took 5 years!) in making his lovable master & loyal dog team take form is finally on the big screen in the duo's first full-length motion picture and it's cracklin' good (to coin a phrase from Wallace's usual reply to all things good!)... More • http://www.imdb.com/ ... ft=20;fm=1 View • BooksImagesVideosSearch Related • AnimationParkFilms

    Nick Park, English Animator, Director
  Nick Park, English Animator, Director
Nick Park is an English animator, director and writer best known as the creator of Wallace and Gromit, Creature Comforts, and Shaun the Sheep. Park has been nominated for an Academy Award a total of six times and won four with Creature Comforts (1989...
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